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PEER REVIEW JURNAL Analisis Implementasi Budaya Perusahaan (Cocotefasera) Pada Kawasan Darmawan Park Sentul City Kabupaten Bogor

  • Kategori : Peer Review
  • Penulis : Yuni Pratikno1), Prasetiadi Stevantus Sebayang2)
  • Identitas : Jurnal Manajemen Pertahanan, Universitas Pertahanan, No. ISSN = (Online) 2656-1522, (Print) 2654-9700, Vol. 5, No. 1, Bulan Juni Tahun 2019
  • Abstrak :

    One of the innovations developed was the COCOTEFASERA Culture, namely: Communication, Competence Communication, Teamwork, Fairness, Self Control and Rationality. Through the COCOTEFASERA culture, it is expected to realize the vision and mission of the founders to give birth to young and ethical leaders who are sustainable. The type of research is qualitative with the number of informants 7 people consisting of 1 level leader 0 (Owner), 3 level 1 leaders (Director), and 3 level 2 leaders (Managers). The technique of collecting data uses observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study through PDCA analysis, namely Cultural Implementation: 1) Communication, Open and Direct, Horizontal and Vertical between individuals running well at the leader level and there are obstacles at the operational level. Communication between Businesses is less developed through shared forums. Informal communication has the role of building a comfortable working atmosphere without any limitations, 2) Competence: commitment to selfdevelopment, training programs in the Darmawan Park Region are well planned. 3) Team Work: Company components have a high commitment to working together. The role of good communication creates effective and efficient Team Work. Interdependence and complementary deficiencies in other components. The biggest challenge is the pattern of thinking "pretentious". 4) Self-control: Commitment to work discipline has run from its own awareness but the operational level still tends to run due to regulatory factors. Initiatives for work are going well at the leader level, while supervision at the operational level is still needed. Giving confidence in completing work responsibilities. The honesty attitude of work is used as the most important measure of work culture that must be maintained.
